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發(fā)布時間:2017-01-24 10:04:17 作者:唐能翻譯 分享至:


   As I learn and practice more and more, I can say to the one I love"Ilove you I value you, Irespect you and I trust that you have the strength to become all that it ispossible for you to become — if I don't get in your way I love you so much that I can set you free to walk beside me in joyand in sadness I will share your tears but I will notask you not to cry I will respond to your needs I will care and comfort you, but I will nothold you up when you can walk alone I will stand readyto be with you in your grief and loneliness but I will not take it away from you I will strive to listen to your meaning as well as your word, but I shall not always agree Sometimes Iwill be angry and when I am I will try to tell youopenly so that I need not hate our differences or feel estranged I can` not always be with you or hear what you say for there aretimes when I must listen to myself and care for myself, and when that happens I will be as honest with you as I can be"


   I am learning to say this, whether it be in words or in my way of being with others and myself to those I love and for whom I care Andthis I call loving with an open handI cannot alwayskeep my hands off the cocoon, but I am getting betterat it!



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